Diary of a Chimney Kid (Key Stage 3 and 4) (Copy)
Encouraging young people to learn more about smoking and the benefits of living a smoke-free life.
Health – School Nursing
The 0-19 Integrated Public Health Nursing Service is made up of Health Visitors and School Nurses who are qualified in public health nursing
Local Air Quality Management
We can work with schools and other groups to deliver talks/presentations and arrange for expert visitors in a variety of fields.
ReFresh Stop Smoking Service
ReFresh is the young people’s stop smoking service in Hull that provides FREE and confidential support to young people aged up to 19 years who live, study or work in Hull.
Tigers Trust (Primary and Secondary)
Primary Partner Schools can access a wide range of PSHE activities as well as the PE and School Sport we offer.
Hull FC Foundation Partner Schools Programme (Primary and Secondary)
Through the Partner Schools Sport scheme, the Hull FC Community Foundation offer a programme that will enhance and develop the sports skills of children in schools by delivering a varied menu of activities that allows youngsters to experience different sports and learn new skills
Food for Life (Primary and Secondary)
Food for Life is more than a school meals programme; it uses food as a way to improve the whole school experience.